Market segmentation
In raising awareness and sales it is key to know who to talk to and where to focus your time? This is where market segmentation comes in. Having used interviews, surveys, and literature review to obtain data on the market Coreva Scientific can now cross-reference the data points and estimate where the largest market potential is. Should you be talking to orthopedic surgeons in teaching hospitals or bariatric surgeons in private practice? Market segmentation gives you actionable insights to target your sales.
Meta analysis
Results from individual studies are impacted by setting specific factors (confounders). Combining results from multiple studies together, the impact of these confounders can be reduced and a clearer picture of a product value appears. Meta-analysis is a statistical method to compare two products across multiple studies. Network meta-analysis allows for more than two products to be compared. Meta-analysis is one of the highest forms of evidence.
Patient data
In many cases it is not feasible for every patient to use your product as costs or other resource availability may be limiting. So which patients benefit most from your product? To answer this question we need to analyze the patient’s baseline data alongside product and outcomes data. This allows for patient targeting and true evidence-based medicine.
Statistics and sample size
The evidence for your product should be built on scientific rationale and not on randomness. Appropriate statistical testing of outcomes should be performed. Before this, we need to ensure that the analysis (or clinical trial) is powered to detect an effect. Are 200 patients enough? Did you account for dropout? Let Coreva Scientific guide your analysis plan to ensure actionable data and outcomes.